Summer greetings — it’s taken some 5-years for us to have our dog park, but have it we do… albeit in need of finishing — and ideally some expansion.
We’re reaching out to solicit any interest in helping see the task completed… if not for our dogs, then in the memory of those who’ve passed, and for those to come!
As of today; 2 benches have been installed and Casey Trees has agreed to plant trees on 3 sides of the park (none on the playing field side). This autumn or next spring… we want to plan an event we hope to celebrate, starting with food & beverages for the volunteers.
We’ve been in contact with K9 Grass Company and have received samples, towards defining our dog park finishing plan for city council review and approval in the not-too-distant future (hopefully).
Apart from Casey Trees’ donations, this endeavor will be privately funded through various fundraisers and donations — AND WE NEED YOUR HELP IN KEEPING THE DOG PARK MAINTAINED!
Get involved! Please sign up for our mailing list and we’ll keep you in the loop.